Regular Services
Every first Sunday
9.15am Holy Eucharist
in traditional language
followed by refreshments
All other Sundays
9.15am Holy Eucharist (Mass/Communion)
with Sunday school
followed by refreshments
Last Sunday of the month
Evening Prayer & Benediction
Weekday Worship
Tuesdays at 7.30pm and
Thursdays at 10.30am
Said Eucharist
Tuesdays -
1st of Month -Requiem Mass for the recently departed and that months mindfalls
2nd - Mass of Our Lady of Walsingham
3rd - Mass for Healing & Wholeness
4th - Mass for the Goa Anglican Centre
We have a number of special services throughout the year to mark various key dates in the church's calendar. These included Christmas Services, such as a Christingle Service, a Crib Service and Midnight Mass.
Special Festal services are held on a number of key feast days throughout the year, and we have an especially celebratory service on the feast day of our Patron St Mark (25th April.)
We also mark the holy fast of lent, with confessions on Shrove Tuesday, a penitential service on Ash Wednesday and Stations of the Cross throughout the season. In addition a Lent Study group meets each year.
Holy Week and Easter are in their turn marked with a variety of services, reflecting the themes and nature of the different events comemorated at this holy time.
An essential part of life for all Christians is PRAYER. This may be private and public, alone or corporately, formally or informally, what matters is that above all we draw ourselves closer to God through this important discipline.
Part of the Church's life has always been a round of daily services. In The Church of England we traditonaly say the Offices of Morning Prayer (or Matins) and Evening Prayer (or Evensong). These can be said alone at home, out on the move or together in Church.
These Offices are said most days at St Mark's by the Vicar, but as yet there are no set times. However Morning Prayer is said every day at 9.15am at St John the Baptist, Chipping Barnet and Evening Prayer at 5pm, these services are open to all.
If you would like to say these services yourselves you can find them either in a traditional form in the 'Book of Common Prayer,' or in a modern form in 'Common Worship.' The services are also available daily at:
This can be accessed from any computer or phone with an internet conection and will provide you with a whole service for any morning or evening, every day of the year.
As you pray to God, please pray for the work and ministry of St Mark's Church. Thank you.